Guidelines and templates for contributions
Please indicate your name, affiliation and e-mail address in the following order in the beginning of each wiki-paper you produce.
Päivi M. Kauppila, Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 1237, FI-70211 Kuopio, FINLAND, e-mail: paivi.kauppila(at)
In case you make large modifications in a text written by somebody else, please add your personal information in the beginning of the chapter to inform your role as a contributor.
Creating and editing pages
General quidance on making and editing WordPress web pages using Avada theme:
Easiest way to format your text is to write it in Word, copy paste it to the Fusion Builder page editor.
Use following levels of headings:
Level 1 – Heading 2
Level 2 – Heading 3
Level 3 – Heading 4
Do not use numbering in front of the headings.
Write the text using normal paragraph text size. Use “enter” for line breaks. Do not use empty lines between paragraphs.
Use British English as the language for the articles.
Figure and table captions
Place figure captions below the figure using italic font, left aligned in the following way:
Figure 1. Disposal of tailings at a talc mine in Finland (Photo © P. Kauppila, GTK)
Place table captions above the table using italic font, left aligned in the following way:
Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of single-layer soil covers
References for the relevant and applied literature should be addressed in the end of each Wiki-paper in the following format:
Sapsford, D.J., Bowell, R.J., Dey, M. & Williams, K.P. 2009. Humidity cell tests for the prediction of acid rock drainage. Minerals Engineering 22, 25-36.
Schmiermund, R.L. & Drozd M.A., 1997. Acid mine drainage and other mining-influenced waters (MIW). In: Marcus, J.J. (Ed.) Mining Environmental Handbook. Effects of Mining on the Environment and American Environmental Controls on Mining. Imperial Collage Press, London, 599-617.
Sverdrup, H.U. 1990. The kinetics of base cation release due to chemical weathering. Lund University Press, Sweden. 246 p.
Younger, P.L. 2001. Mine water pollution in Scotland: nature, extent and preventive strategies. Science of the Total Environment 265, 309-326.
In the text use the following format: “Sapsford et al. 2009”, “Schmiermund & Drozd 1997”, “Sverdrup 1990″, Younger 2001”.
Evaluations of tehcnologies, methods and cases should follow the following templates: