Contents of a Closure Management Plan
Tommi Kauppila, Geological Survey of Finland, PO Box 1237, 70211 Kuopio, Finland; tommi.kauppila(at)
The Closure Management Plan is an evolving document that develops from what in the early phases of the project is mainly a conceptual plan into a fully detailed closure plan closer to the end of the mining operations. As the level of detail increases, more information and sections are incorporated in the plan. A general outline of typical sections in a CMP is given below (adapted from various sources and amended ).
- Contextual information
- Purpose, scope and status of the plan
- Site operator (especially for official CMP documents)
- Site characteristics
- Legal obligations
- Closure management
- Management structure and responsibilities
- Commitments related to closure (if appropriate)
- CMP Review schedule and procedures
- Target outcomes of closure (objectives)
- Stakeholder consultation
- Analysis of risks and opportunities
- Post mining land uses
- Identification of closure issues to define closure objectives
- Scope of the CMP and the closure
- Closure objectives (=goals), interim goals (milestones), verification
- Action plans
- How the individual objectives will be achieved
- Which issues need to be addressed to achieve the goal
- For each closure issue:
- Actions, timing, responsibilities, resources, costs
- Monitoring of success
- How the individual objectives will be achieved
- Costs of closure and financial arrangements
- Full costs of closure (estimate, incl. variation)
- Estimated cost schedule
- Financial arrangements, reference to surety
- Post closure management plan
- May be one section of the Action Plan or a separate plan
- Annexes
- Detailed plans for the actions listed in the Action Plan
- Reports etc. of the completed actions
Various sources include guidance on the contents of a CMP, including Government of Western Australia (2011), Sánchez et al. (2014), and ICMM (2008). A detailed Annotated Outline for Reclamation and Closure Plan can be found in Yukon Water Board & Yukon Energy, Mines, and Resources (2013).
Government of Western Australia 2011. Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans. Government of Western Australia, Department of Mines and Petroleum & Environmental Protection Agency 2011. 78 p.
Sánchez, L.E.; Silva-Sánchez, S.S.; Neri, A.C. Guide for Mine Closure Planning. IBRAM Brazilian Mining Organization, Brasília, 2014
ICMM 2008. Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit. International Council on Mining and Metals, London, UK. 84 p.
Yukon Water Board & Yukon Energy, Mines, and Resources 2013. Reclamation and Closure Planning for Quartz Mining Projects. Plan requirements and closure costing guidance. 41 p.
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