Kimheden mine, Sweden
In-pit backfilling of waste rocks under dry cover - [...]
In-pit backfilling of waste rocks under dry cover - [...]
Elina Merta, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, P.O. Box [...]
Kaisa Turunen (GTK), Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box [...]
Marja Liisa Räisänen, Geological Survey of Finland, P.O.Box 1237, [...]
Anniina Kittilä, ETH Zürich, Institute of Geophysics, Geothermische Energie [...]
Clayton Larkins, Geological Survey of Finland GTK, P.O.Box 1237, FI-70211, Kuopio, [...]
Lauri Solismaa, Geological Survey of Finland, PO Box 1237, [...]
Water quality of the constructed wetland system treating acid mine [...]
Tommi Kaartinen, Markku Juvankoski, Jutta Laine-Ylijoki, Elina Merta, Ulla-Maija Mroueh, [...]
Biogeochemistry and biologic sulphate reduction in Hammaslahti pit lakes, [...]