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Mine closure process
Mine closure consists of decommissioning and mine site reclamation
Outline of the mine closure process
Continuous closure
Operating the mine for closure
Post closure monitoring and maintenance
Engaging stakeholders in the mine closure process
Identifying and working with external stakeholders
Internal stakeholders
Stakeholder roles and responsibilities
Mine closure objectives
General closure objectives
Defining closure objectives to minimize risks and maximize benefits
Post closure land uses guide closure planning
Identifying closure issues
Environmental risk assessment as a tool for mine closure planning
Mine closure planning
Contents of a Closure Management Plan
Keeping the Closure Management Plan up to date
Closure Action Plans
Legal requirements for mine closure
Statutory requirements for mine closure in Finland
Financial provisions for mine closure
Concepts and definitions of mine closure
Management of soil contamination at mine areas
Water management
Case studies / Water management
Britannia Mine, British Columbia Canada
Closure objectives for water management
Closure technologies / Water management
Backfilling in water management
Diversion ditches and channels
Flow rate measurements
Hydrological and hydrogeological research
Mine entrance sealing
Mine flooding
Post-closure modelling
Protection pumping
Research methods / Water Management
Hydrological and hydrogeological research
Isotope methods in groundwater studies
Post-closure modelling
Flow rate measurements
Bucket method
Impeller current meter
Pumping tests
Venturi tube
Water meter
Weirs and flumes
Water management Research and Development
Geophysical methods in bedrock groundwater studies
Monitoring of mining impact on natural waters using isotopic tracers (S, U, and Sr) – a pilot study from Talvivaara, northeastern Finland
Use of H and O stable isotopes in recognition of preferable groundwater flow paths in bedrock fracture zones
Water treatment
Case studies / Water treatment
eMalahleni water treatment plant
Wellington-Oro mine water treatment plant
Closure objectives for water treatment
Closure technologies / Water treatment
Active treatment technologies
Alkaline treatment
Chemical precipitation
Sulphide precipitation
Precipitation with barium salts
Ettringite precipitation
Iron co-precipitation
Ion exchange
Membrane processes
Sulphate reduction in reactors
Treatment/disposal of water treatment residues
Passive treatment technologies
Aerobic constructed wetlands
Anaerobic constructed compost wetlands
Open limestone channel
Limestone and Steel Slag Leach Beds
Anoxic limestone drains (ALD)
Reducing and alkalinity producing systems (RAPS/SAPS)
Natural wetlands
Other in-situ treatment technologies
Biologic sulphate reduction in mine shaft lakes
Permeable reactive barrier
Future aspects of mine water treatment
Water treatment Research and Development
Wastes and waste facilities
Case studies / Wastes and waste facilities
Lysimeter study of explosives originated nitrogen and in situ sulphide oxidation
ARD control using waste rock layering – Samatosum mine site, British Columbia, Canada
Subaqueous Disposal of Tailings in a Waste Facility- Stekenjokk Mine Site Case Study
Aitik mine, Sweden
Kimheden mine, Sweden
Design, construction, instrumentation, and monitoring of pilot scale waste rock cover systems
Legislation regarding characterisation of mining waste
Geological description of ore deposit
Physical and geotechnical properties
Mineralogical characterisation
Chemical composition
Acid generation potential
Acid-base accounting (ABA)
Acid addition on the basis of the carbonate content
Mineralogical calculation of AP and NP
Net Acid Generation (NAG)
Determination of the acid neutralization capacity (ANC)
Paste pH
NP calculated based on carbonate content (“carbonate NP”)
NAG test with leachate analysis
Humidity cell testing
Solubility of harmful substances, leaching methods
Leaching behaviour and leaching tests
Selective extractions
Sequential extraction procedure
Field scale investigation and lysimeters
Chemical analysis of process water from concentration tests
Sampling and pre-treatment
Closure objectives for wastes and waste facilities
Closure technologies / Wastes and waste facilities
Minimisation of the waste amount
Utilisation of mine waste
Basal structures of waste facilities
Permeable basal structure
Impermeable basal structure – with synthetic liners
Impermeable basal structure – with natural materials/soils
Neutralising base
Reduction of acid production potential
Placement of alkaline material above or below waste as liner or cover material
Removal of water
Co-disposal of waste rock with tailings
Chemical passivation using microencapsulation
Underwater disposal in underground mines (during mine operation)
Dry Cover
Single soil layer
Use of organic waste materials in topcover
Multi-layer soil cover
Synthetic multi-layer cover
Water cover
Disposal in underground mine under the water level (during mine closure)
Subaqueous in-pit disposal
Subaqueous Disposal in a Waste Management Facility
Disposal in underground mine (during mine closure)
Chemical passivation using microencapsulation
Wastes and waste facilities Research and Development
Waste rock drainage prediction methods compared to actual seepage water quality
Laboratory scale experiments for assessing the impacts of organic cover layer on heavy metal leaching from tailings
Disposal scenarios of acid producing waste rock
Closure objectives / Monitoring
Closure technologies / Monitoring
Chemical stability checklist
Water sampling
Soil and sediment sampling
Field investigations
Physical stability checklist
Soil drilling, test pits and sampling
Geophysical monitoring
Electromagnetic induction surveys
Ground penetrating radar
Resistivity surveys
Seismic refraction survey
Self-potential survey
Geodetic measurements
Visual inspections
Optical fibres
Groundwater and leakage monitoring
Movement observation devices
Case studies / Monitoring
Research and Development / Monitoring
Pre-treatment of water samples
Guidelines and templates for contributions
Template for technology evaluation
Template for evaluation of methods
Template for evaluation of cases
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Jari Väätäinen
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