Legal disclaimer
1. General
The user accepts the terms of this disclaimer by using –website (“Website”).
Geologian tutkimuskeskus (in English: Geological Survey of Finland, hereinafter GTK) may at any time change the terms of this disclaimer. The terms of this disclaimer shall, however, still apply to such materials that have been taken into use prior to the change of the terms.
The use of the Website or materials (such as text, files, images, music, photos, video, sounds or any other work) contained in the Website (“Materials”) does not create a cooperation or business relationship between the user and GTK.
These terms are applied to the use of Materials, unless otherwise stated in connection with specific material, or otherwise agreed in writing.
The Website and Materials are owned by GTK or its contract partners. All rights are reserved unless otherwise stated on the Website. For third party Materials, the terms of the copyright owner apply.
It is the user’s responsibility to follow these terms of use and the user’s obligation to protect Materials from use that violates these terms. If these terms are neglected or violated, GTK is entitled to receive compensation for damages.
2. Rights and responsibilities
All users of the Website are responsible for their actions and shall act in compliance with relevant applicable legislation and terms of this Website.
2.1 Right of use
Non-commercial publication of Materials or Image captures of the Website or the Material contained in the Website is permitted with an indication of the source in the following way:
Name of author/s. Year of publication. Title of the article. Mine Closure web pages, Closedure, Geological Survey of Finland.
Permission must be requested for commercial publication.
The user shall require that third parties follow the terms and conditions of this disclaimer when granting rights to use a product or service that uses Materials or a part of it.
The user shall remove references to the source if required to do so by GTK.
Users may visit the website as anonymous users or registered users.
2.2 Anonymous users
No authentication or registration is needed in order to use the Website as an anonymous user.
Anonymous users shall be granted only the permission to read and view the contents of the Website.
2.2 Registered users
Users may, if made available by GTK, register themselves as commentators or contributors to the Website.
By registering to the Website, user warrants that registration information is accurate and will maintain the accuracy of such information.
GTK may, at any time for any reason or for no reason at all, with or without notice, revoke the registration of a user.
2.3 Commentator
User may, if made available by GTK, submit comments regarding Materials (“User Comment”) to be published on the Website and made available to the public.
GTK reserves the right:
- not to publish submitted User Comments.
- to modify, at its sole discretion, submitted User Comments.
- to delete any User Comments at any time from the Website.
The above actions may be taken by GTK for any reason or for no reason at all, with or without notice.
2.4 Contributor
User may, if made available by GTK, submit text, files, images, music, photos, video, sounds or any other work (“User Content”) to the Website. Inquiries for this type of contributions should be sent to:
GTK reserves the right:
- not to publish submitted User Content on the Website.
- to modify submitted User Content prior the publishing of Content on the Website.
- to delete any User Content at any time from the Website.
The above actions may be taken by GTK for any reason or for no reason at all, with or without notice.
By submitting User Content to the Website, the user ensures that it has the right to grant GTK the right to publish such material on the Website.
Contributors shall also have the possibility to submit User Comments. Section 2.3.1. applies.
3. Rights and Responsibilities of GTK
GTK ensures that it has the right to grant rights of use of the Materials.
GTK shall not be held responsible for any errors in the Materials.
GTK shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from by the use of Materials.
GTK disclaims any warranty for the validity or up to date status of the Material.
GTK is not obligated to ensure the continuous availability of the Materials nor is GTK obligated to announce in advance the interruption or cessation of availability.
GTK is not responsible for any damage resulting from errors or deficiencies in the Website or Materials.
The accuracy and other quality factors of data vary, depending on factors such as the age of the material, accuracy of source material and individual observations, as well as methods of location, modelling, interpretation and production. Geological materials contain interpreted information, and are based on the views of the compiler of the information.
GTK assumes no responsibility for monitoring any of the User comments submitted to the Website. GTK shall not review any User comment prior the publishing it.
GTK shall not be held responsible for any copyright infringements regarding the submitted Comments or Contents.
4. Privacy policy
In order to develop the site and for statistical purposes, log information such as visits to the Website and use of the Website as well as other log information may be collected. The website uses cookies to keep track of visitor and visit numbers. Log information about visits to the website and service use, as well as other contact information, is only used for statistical purposes and for the development of the GTK web service. No information about individual visits will be given to third parties.
All personal information gathered shall be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act (Henkilötietolaki, 523/1999).
Processing of personal data means the collection, recording, organisation, use, transfer, disclosure, storage, manipulation, combination, protection, deletion and erasure of personal data, as well as other measures directed at personal data.
The description of the personal data file can be found here:
When submitting User Comment and/or User Content to the Website by a registered user (“Submitter”), the name of the Submitter in question is made public and displayed to all users of the Website next to the User Comment and/or User Content in question. The name of the Submitter cannot be set as private in the preceding circumstances unless otherwise decided by GTK. Other user profile data (such as email address) of registered users is not public.
Users may freely define what personal information is displayed to Online Friends.
Contact information (such as email addresses) collected from registered users may be used, even if made private, by GTK to notify the user about matters related to User Comments or User Content submitted by the registered user in question.
5. Applicable legislation
The Website and Materials are protected by copyright laws and other applicable laws and regulations.
Finnish laws shall apply.